Transportation Request Form

Click here for the Transportation Request Form, once approved, it will be added to the trip calendars and the listed contact will receive a Google calendar invite to the event.

Small Vehicle Training Certification

Join the Small Vehicle Google Classroom HERE. You will need to complete this in its entirety before the hands-on evaluation.

To book an appointment for the Small Vehicle Hands-on Evaluation, please email Tina Keller at She will schedule a time with you once the online course is completed.

Please plan ahead and schedule enough time to complete the online training and hands-on evaluation prior to needing your operator's certification. The online course takes approximately 6 hours to complete with the hands-on evaluation requiring around 2 hours.

Staff Bus Route

ASD offers a bs route for staff members of the Aspen School District that starts and ends in Carbondale. This route is solely intended for staff members, and may not be utilized by anyone besides staff members and their direct family members.

The current stops are listed below.

  1. 6:32AM: Basalt Bike and Ski (Located behind the ANB Bank & Hwy 133 park and ride) 
  2. 6:37AM: Catherine Store RFTA
  3. 6:41AM: El Jebel RFTA
  4. 6:42am: Willits RFTA******
  5. 6:45AM: Basalt RFTA
  6. 6:50AM: Old Snowmass RFTA******
  7. 6:56AM: Aspen Village RFTA******
  8. 7:03AM: Intercept Lot (Brush Creek P&R)
  9. 7:08AM: ABC RFTA******

** Please wave down the bus at these stops, the driver will only stop if you wave the bus down**

The bus will LEAVE campus Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4:10 pm from in front of the Middle School. It will depart at 4:20pm on Thursdays. Please inform the driver if you need to be dropped off at the ABC, Intercept Lot, Aspen Village, Old Snowmass, or Catherine Store stops.