Superintendent's Corner
Tharyn Mulberry

Dear ASD Families,

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are as excited as we are for the 2024-2025 school year.

We’re thrilled to start the year with some exciting news: Aspen Elementary School has been officially authorized to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme!

This achievement makes the Aspen School District the only district in the state fully authorized with IB programs from Pre-K through 12th grade. Through diligent effort of our IB coordinators and principals, both teachers and students now have access to a world-class, international curriculum.

As a district, we have wholeheartedly embraced the IB framework and its philosophy of inquiry and international-mindedness. This means our students will be immersed in a tradition of inquiry, becoming exactly the kind of critical thinkers we hope for.

To lead our IB programs, I’ve appointed Harpreet Mehta as the Director of Student Learning. Last year, Harpreet worked closely with AES Principal Ashley Bodkins and her team to fully implement the PYP program and navigate the official IB authorization process. Harpreet will be a valuable asset across the district as she collaborates with our principals, IB coordinators, and content lead teachers to ensure a streamlined, fully integrated, and aligned PreK-12 educational program.

Our goal is not just to train students but to nurture thinkers.

We believe that with the IB system, we have designed a program that will do just that.

In addition to our IB success, we’re delighted to announce that our Outdoor Education Program, led by Katherine Gleason, has earned accreditation from the Association of Experiential Education (AEE). This makes Aspen School District the only public school district in the country with this prestigious accreditation! According to AEE, this accreditation is a strong testament to our commitment to quality, safety, professional standards, and continued excellence. For us, it means we will continue to build on one of Aspen’s most cherished traditions—providing the best experiential and outdoor education program in the country.

Supporting our mission to be a world-class school district is the Aspen Education Foundation (AEF), which generously enhances educational opportunities across all our schools.

This year, thanks to AEF, every high school student will receive a new Chromebook Plus to support their classroom work. We are excited about this rollout, as it will enhance student safety, help teachers with classroom management, and ensure equity among all Aspen High School students.

We’re also proud to partner with esteemed community organizations like Theatre Aspen, Aspen Flight Academy (where students can aspire to become pilots), and Aspen Family Connections, our dedicated family resource center, to foster both educational excellence and personal well-being.We encourage you to explore our website and reach out with any questions.

We want to ensure you have all the information and resources you need to make this school year a wonderful experience for your entire family.

We’re so glad you’re here, and we can’t wait to see what unfolds in this 2024-2025 school year!

A note about cell phone use & school policies
cell phone free

Aug. 7, 2024

Dear ASD Team and Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are looking forward to the new school year.

As we prepare for the new academic year, I want to address an important change we are making regarding students’ use of cellphones in the Aspen School District, particularly at the high school. Starting this year, we will be implementing a cell phone-free policy on all of our campuses.

This decision was not made lightly. Over the past year, our teachers and staff have expressed growing concerns about the impact of cell phone use on our students' learning environment. We conducted surveys, hosted a Town Hall meeting, and gathered feedback from teachers, parents, and students. We also reviewed current research and best practices from other schools that have implemented similar policies. After careful consideration, we believe that this change is essential for several reasons.

1. Enhanced Focus and Learning:
Cell phones can be a significant distraction in the classroom. By removing them, we aim to create an environment where students can fully engage with their lessons, participate in discussions, and concentrate on their studies without the constant interruption of notifications. This increased focus will lead to better academic performance and a deeper understanding of the material.

2. Improved Social Interactions:
We want to foster a school culture where students connect with each other face-to-face, building stronger relationships and social skills. Without the barrier of screens, students will have more opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations, collaborate on projects, and support each other.

3. Mental Health and Well-being:
Research has shown that excessive cell phone use can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues among young people. By limiting access to smartphones during the school day, we hope to reduce these negative effects and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle for our students.

We understand that cell phones can be a useful tool for communication and learning. However, the potential gains from reducing their presence during school hours far outweigh the drawbacks. Students will still be able to use their devices before and after school, ensuring they can stay connected with family and friends.

Please take a moment to review the attached note from AHS Principal Sarah Strassburger, which provides more details about the new policy and its implementation. AES families and teachers, please see information about the  “Wait Until 8th” campaign.

We are excited about the positive impact this change will have on our school community. I am confident that this policy will help us create a more focused, connected, and supportive learning environment for all our students.

Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Tharyn Mulberry

AES Cell Phone/Smart Watch/EarBud Policy

AMS Cell Phone/Smart Watch/EarBud Policy

*AHS letter * and  AHS policy