The Aspen School District (ASD) aviation program brings the benefits of an aeronautical education to students in Aspen, the Roaring Fork Valley, and beyond. The ASD aviation program offers a unique, meaningful, and challenging aeronautical education for middle and high school students. Whatever the students' goals are within the Aerospace industry, our aviation program supports them reaching new heights!
Students have an opportunity to:
Learn how aircraft fly and how they are controlled.
Learn how to pilot a small airplane.
Experience the joy of flying.
See our beautiful world from a different perspective.
Learn how to use science and mathematics to understand aerodynamics and weather.
Learn how an airplane engine works.
Learn good judgment and self-reliance by piloting an airplane that builds decision-making skills.
The Aspen School District (ASD) aviation program was established in 2013 to provide an extraordinary opportunity for students to pursue aeronautical education. Dedicated professionals and community leaders support the aviation program to provide a one-of-kind experience for the students. The aviation program leverages workforce experience, industry leading simulators and aircraft, and the education system to ensure quality experiences leading to lifelong learning and career success.