media guidelines

Aspen School District is committed to providing information to the media and making every effort to work within media deadlines.

Interview requests of students and staff

  • All media requests to interview, videotape or photograph ASD employees, students or board members must be made through the Communications Office,

  • Interviews will be conducted so as not to disrupt student instruction or the learning environment.

Visiting the ASD campus and classrooms

Members of the media are required to notify the Communications Specialist prior to gaining access to school property. As a safety and security precaution, the media — like all visitors to our schools — will be asked to sign-in and obtain a pass from the building's main office.

When videotaping, taking a still photograph or conducting interviews while in the school district, reporters will be accompanied by the Communications Specialist, or designee, at all times to minimize disruption at the school and to assist with any additional requests.

If the topic of an interview or photography is sensitive or controversial in nature, parental consent is required.

At all times, the Communications Specialist, designee and/or an adult representative of the school must be present when students are interviewed or photographed in conjunction with a school activity or event. The presiding adult may intercede in the interview or photo shoot at any time he/she judges the questions or images to conflict with the best interests of the student or Collaborative.

School Board Meetings

Members of the media are invited to all Board of Education meetings. Reporters should save questions for the board members for after the meeting. Interview rooms can be made available for interviews. All meeting agendas and documents are here.

Media Contact: Monica Mendoza, ASD Communications Specialist, 970-300-2622


For media inquiries and interview requests please contact

Monica Mendoza at or 970-300-2169